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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Coronavirus Quarantine Week 10

Coronavirus Quarantine Week 10
Ava had a memorable 13th birthday in quarantine. She still managed to have a party with friends thanks to Netflix Party App, House party App and the box of snacks/popcorn/mud masks that we dropped off at each girl's house earlier in the day. She was happy, so thats all that matters. Definitely a story to tell.

Grace converted our cleaning closet to her very own art studio. She has been watching videos on Art Hub and then recreating them for her walls. So far she is up to 22!  She also found the wagon, cleaned it up and has been taking her stuffed animals for walks. We have been getting lots of quizzical looks and then big smiles when the neighbors see us coming.

Ryan's hair is growing like a weed and is a tad out of control by this point. I joked that I could probably braid it and put a ponytail in it. Sure enough... I could! (The guys are looking forward to haircuts hopefully next week.)

Grandpa Bille came over to play catch with Ava and Ryan. Both kids are still crossing their fingers for a softball/baseball season this summer.

We all are wrapping up the school year. Everyone is juggling the daily Google Meets/Zoom meetings and it's not always easy to manage with 5 people in the house needing it to be quiet at certain times. Thankfully no embarrassing stories, yet.
1 week to go! #13inquarantine #findthejoy

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